You can cancel any booking through us free of charge up to 24 hours before rental.
To cancel, simply let our service team know within our opening hours.
Discover without a deposit flexible and comfortable with your rental car. By using the Driveboo price comparison tool, you can book your rental car not only up to 60% cheaper.
In Mallorca, you can hire a car without a deposit starting from 18 £ per day. Simply select the "Without Deposit" filter to view the appropriate offers for your trip to Mallorca. Please note that the deposit is only meant to secure the car hire against damages and will be refunded.
You can easily book a car hire in Mallorca without a credit card. Such a hired car is available from 18 £ per day. Simply specify the "Without credit card" filter on our booking page. This way, you will receive suitable offers for rental cars that can be booked without a credit card.