You can cancel any booking through us free of charge up to 24 hours before rental.
To cancel, simply let our service team know within our opening hours.
Hatchbacks are ideal for navigating the city's compact streets. For larger groups or families, a sedan or SUV can offer more space and comfort. Convertibles are popular for enjoying the sunny climate.
Parking in Marbella can be congested, especially during tourist seasons. It's advisable to use one of the numerous municipal or private parking garages available throughout the city.
Puerto Banús, the luxury marina and shopping complex, and the charming Old Town are known to the discerning tourist. The surrounding areas of Ronda and Mijas are well worth a drive.
Marbella enjoys a mild Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters, ideal for sun-seeking Brits. The region boasts 320 days of sunshine a year.
The currency in Spain is the Euro (€). While Spain is generally a cash-friendly nation, most shops and restaurants also accept debit and credit cards. Do remember to inform your bank about your travel.
Economic car hire in Marbella
Hire a car for one day
You can hire a car in Marbella from only 23 £ per day.
Car hire for a week
For one week you can hire a car in Marbella from 157 £.
cheapest car hire
DooRental is currently the cheapest car hire in Marbella. Besides the price, you should pay attention to the following:
Hired car return
To make returning your vehicle easier and less complicated, keep the following things in mind:
The return of the hired car can also be done easily outside the opening hours. For this purpose, leave the vehicle keys in the safe provided.
You can cancel any booking free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the rental period. To do this, simply contact our service team and note the opening hours.