Car rental at the Gudja Airport
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Car rental at the Gudja Airport

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You can cancel any booking through us free of charge up to 24 hours before rental.

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Jonathan: “Booked the 2nd time. Ideal, uncomplicated, fair prices.”

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Hired car Avis Hertz Enterprise Hired car Sunny Cars Rentalcars FTI AutoEurope DerTour National AutoEscape Sixt Interrent Holidayautos Budget Argus Carhire and many more...
Over 50 car hire suppliers at more than 140.000 hired car stations worldwide.

At the Gudja Airport we recommend the following car hire offers

from 7 £ per day
Basic package

Good offers for a small budget

e.g. Kia Picanto or similar
6 Days from 17.05 - 23.05.2024
Example vehicle
from 8 £ per day

Small, agile and economical - that's all it takes!

e.g. Nissan Micra or similar
6 Days from 17.05 - 23.05.2024
Example vehicle
from 11 £ per day
All-round carefree package

This way nothing can go wrong - carefree and all inclusive!

e.g. Kia Picanto or similar
6 Days from 17.05 - 23.05.2024
Example vehicle

Frequently asked questions about car hire booking Gudja Airport

How much does a hired car cost at Malta Airport?

Street in Malta

A hired car on the street in Malta

A cheap hired car is available from as little as 45 £ per week. We compare the prices of all major car hire companies and show you the best deal, so you can always book your desired hired car for Malta at the best price.

Small cars are particularly popular and you can book them from as little as 45 £ per week. If you are travelling to Malta with the whole family, a family car is also suitable for as little as 137 £ per week. With it you can drive relaxed to Ramla Bay or the Blue Grotto. Convertibles are also available at Malta Airport from 109 £ per week.

If you only need a hired car for one day, you can hire it for as little as 7 £ per day

Can I book a child seat for the hired car at Malta Airport?


You can specify desired extras such as a child seat when booking the hired car in the reservation form under the item "Additional equipment" or alternatively in the field "Message to our service team". The applicable fees for this can be found in the rental terms and conditions and are usually payable upon acceptance of the hired car on site.

In addition, you can select inclusive services such as a navigation device or an additional driver at Malta Airport. To do this, simply set the filter under "Included services" accordingly. Thanks to the extras and inclusive services you can select on Driveboo, your hired car is guaranteed to meet your individual wishes and plans for Malta.

Can I receive the hired car in Malta also in the hotel?


If you want a hotel delivery, look for an offer near your hotel or place of stay, because airport stations rarely offer a delivery of the hired car. Check the rental conditions under the keyword "delivery" to see if this service is available. Here you will also find all the information on what costs are associated with the service of delivery.

If delivery is offered, please indicate the name and address of your hotel in the field "Message to our service team". As soon as there is feedback from the rental company, you will be informed by our service team and you will receive the new voucher with the information of the delivery.

What is the fastest way to get to the car hire counter at Malta Airport?


The car hire offices are located on Level 1 in the East Parking Garage. After landing, simply follow the signs to get directly to the car hire desk. If you choose the express rental service, you can check in online ealier to pick up your hired car faster. This way, you won't waste valuable holiday time, but can jump right into the Malta adventure after you land. Simply set the filter in the search mask under "Included services" accordingly.

What are the opening hours of the car hire at Malta Airport?


The opening hours of the car hire agencies differ depending on the provider, but some are open around the clock. It is usually possible to pick up the hired car outside the opening hours. In this case, separate fees may be charged for the provision of the hired car.

A return of the hired car is possible at any time outside the opening hours. Simply leave the key of the hired car in the key box provided for this purpose.

Can I use the ferry with the hired car to other islands or to the Italian mainland?


Hired car trips by ferry to other islands or to the mainland are generally possible, but depend on the vehicle type and rental company. If you want to visit other islands or the mainland from Malta by hired car, please read the rental conditions under the heading "Cross-border trips" or "Border trips".

In any case, register the trip either directly when booking via the field "Message to our service team" or with the rental company on site when accepting the hired car. Additional fees may apply. Ferries depart from Malta to Sicily or Genoa, for example.

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